Add the possibility for clients to submit quotes for any product, bargain for the best price, and to turn this into an order! A Must Have for catalog mode or B2B enabled shops, none being mandatory, as module is perfectly working in all modes!
Version: 5.4.2 - Compatible with PreastaShop 1.7 and Prestashop 8 (22/03/2023)
Version: 4.3.1 - Compatible with PreastaShop 1.6 & ThirtyBees (01/03/2018)
Front office demo choose attributes and add product to quote cart
Back office demo demo@demo.com / demodemo
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The most comprehensive and best sold Quotation module for PrestaShop now just got better!
Completely rewritten, it is much more stable and contains the awesome
"Transform a quote to an order" feature !!!
Wholesales, B2B type shops, niche webshops or market style e-businesses, as these cannot always or do not want to allow direct purchases, or simply for some reason is not possible to display a price and a buy now button.
Or, ANY WEBSHOP, even as small as a local store, going simply for the biggest customer satisfaction, You just want to grant customers the possibility to bargain or obtain more info about a single or a group of products.
So let’s settle a fact here: hiding a price or the cart itself, does not mean that sales are turned off!
In short, yes, the module works perfectly in catalog mode. Actually, when we first developed it, it was meant to be a tool to somehow replace and mimic the shopping cart when this is not available. The quote module will display a cart, a quantity field, both on product page and product list, recognize attributes, recognize custom fields and so on. One thing however should be noticed: when catalog mode is turned on, Prestashop disables all cart related features, including ordering, so our module is not able to transform a quote to order.
The quoting process is very straight forward, as it copies and mimics the default cart and the order process, and blends in perfectly into Prestashop:
So yes, it blends in perfectly into Prestashop!
The module perfectly blends in to the Back office too, by creating a dedicated menu entry under orders, that lists submitted quotes. Accessing the config page, displays a lot of options and triggers, giving shop owners and admins the freedom they need. Here you can:
And much more triggers and options!
Similarly to the buying process, the customer places the products they are interested in into a virtual quote cart, and after filling out some text fields, asks the owner of the store for a quote. If sending is successful, both of them receive a notification, and a built-in messaging system also allows them to chat and to haggle. If both parties are content with the offer, the owner freezes the bargaining, which is transformed into an order, and the discount is deducted automatically as well.
Check the graphic below:
Maybe you should check out the PRO version of this, as adds a lot of great features like:
If still have questions make sure you check the FAQ section of this page, where we ansered the most common and basic questions clients ask from us. And if your issue is not listed, feel free to contact us, and we will be more than happy to answer, as we bealive great support begins before purchase, not just after.
After sales support: we cannot test the product on every theme and with every third party plugin out there, only on the default Prestashops (even this is server dependant), so if somenthing goes wrong, product has issues, causes your shop to hang, disable it, and contact us for help, but please consult the readme first!
And yeah, regarding support, our status on Prestashop Addons speaks for itself:
- Superhero status and 80+ months seniority
- 6 hours average response time (including all time delays and clients from all over the world)
- 99% support quality, which is an average of several features
- 60+ positive notes and 5 star reatings!
Update from 4.x to 5.x is not possible, and old version must be uninstalled first! Upgrade between same version is possible and it's done automatically when you upload the new version to your shop.
This version is compatible with PrestaShop 8, 1.7 and 1.6. Do NOT try to install it for lower Prestashop version. If you use Presta 1.5 or 1.4, Contact us for the legacy version!
Module was tested on default PrestaShop and the default theme ONLY.
Version: 5.4.2 - Compatible with PreastaShop 1.7 and Prestashop 8 (22/03/2023)
Version: 4.3.1 - Compatible with PreastaShop 1.6 & ThirtyBees (01/03/2018)
This is a downloadable product, and you will be provided with a link to download the purchased module as soon as your payment has been processed and accepted.
Data sheet
From version 4, clients cannot submit prices! Why?
Starting with version 4, the customers are not able to submit prices, only messages, where of course they can include their ideas, suggestions and expectations. This is based on client feedback we received in recent years, as in lot of cases, the quoters submitted totally unacceptable, unreal and often completely ridiculous amounts, what if corrected and formed by shop owner as he saw more fit and real, were all rejected, and the quoters never became customers. The owner still has this option, what the client accepts or rejects.
What is the difference between the offer and the price?
The offer is nothing more than the word itself really means, having the price and comment reflecting it, complementing each other. The difference between the two is best illustrated by an example: if the offer would be "Ten percent reduction", and the normal price of the product is 100 units, the recommended price submitted by you would be 90 units. Furthermore, if the offer is "Free shipping over 100", the price remains 100 units, and a message will explain the terms. It is also important to be noted, that the title of the offer, for clarity, is presented in a dedicated column in the list of submitted requests.
There is no quote button on homepage!
The quotation button does not appear on the Prestashop homepage, because this hook is inactive in "homefeatured" module. The rest of product lists are not affected, and the button is visible. If you want to display it, you need some basic FTP, HTML and programming skills, or contact us for assistance.
What happens if an offer is rejected?
If an offer is rejected, you can always submit a new one, but the older cannot be edited, so both you and client can properly see the history flow of how the final offer evolved.
Is it possible to have a higher than original price after bargain?
The short answer is yes. This occures when the shop owners offer includes shipping or packaging, or in some rare cases - if client did not know original price - the bargained price can go above original. However, it is up to owner on how to deal with the checkout process, as this on client side can be tricky, but possible of course!
Is it possible to allow some goods to be sold online and for other goods, the customer must ask for a quote to receive prices?
Yes. The module allows the button to appear only in the case of products that are not available for order. On the customize page, you must activate this option (filter by product status), and for any product for which you want to enable this feature, in your Back office, on it's edit page, you must uncheck the "Available for order" option.
Any more questions? Head to the contact area and submit it!
4.2 to 5.0
- module rewrite for PrestaShop 1.7
5.0 to 5.1.0
- lots of bugs fixed
- added Font Awesome in noconflict mode for themes not using the default themes material icons
5.1.0 to 5.1.1
- fixed polish translation
- fixed "take shipping price into consideration"
5.1.1 to 5.2.0
- New: quantity arrows (up/down) on the product and products-list pages
- New: added filter based on product stock
- New: added hook quoteShare
- New: Added possibility for guest qoute message
- New: Hook for gdpr checkbox on the customer form
- New: Display prices with or without taxes in PDF invoice, according to Prestashop / Customer group settings
- New: search and load abandoned quote carts
- Fix: added condition in the hookDisplayBackOfficeHeader
- Fix: change condition in the method hookdisplayBackOfficeHeader
- Fix: custom icons
- Fix: display material icons
- Fix: back office attribute name
- Fix: create vouchers for the specific customer and cart
- Fix: disable voucher if customer try to change products in the cart
- Fix: min value in the AFQ quantity box
- Fix: hook displayProductPriceBlock
5.2.0 to 5.3.0
- New: search and load abandoned quote carts
- New: display dni (vat number) in email
- New: display SKU in admin panel
- New: added google analytics conversion code possibility
- New: added hook displayTop
- New: added thakyou page
- New: display offer history
- Fix: conflict with ps_legalcompliance module
- Fix: disable category filter
- Fix: updated spanish translation
- Fix: list of payment method names
- Fix: multishop request_id
- Fix: generate PDF
- Fix: multishop request_id
- Fix: detect image for animation
- Fix: submit quote
- Fix: login form
- Fix: AFQ button when popup
- Fix: filter in admin panel
- Fix: display quote buttons stylesheets
- Fix: cart image link
- Fix: update product quantity in the qoutes cart
5.3.0 to 5.4.0
- New: widget compatibility
- New: Ability to choose status when transform quote to order in BO
- New: add check for customer address delivery
- Fix: select country
- Fix: quotesCartTop and include script
- Fix: shop association
- Fix: update address form after change country
- Fix: display quote statuses
- Fix: update address form after change country
- Fix: template quotes detailed
- Fix: disable install on 1.6
- Fix: email send total price with old price
- Fix: installation
- update controller
- Update: disable change quantity after transform quote to shopping cart
- add quote reference to admin controller table
- customer message added to admin email
5.4.0 to 5.4.1
- New: added online documentation
- New: reworked email system
- New: reworked admin configuration page
- New translation system
- New: readme_fr.pdf
- Updated readme_en.pdf
- Fix: email view and product reference check
- Fix: email phone and email customer message
- Fix: change country on address form
5.4.1 to 5.4.2
- Update: Prestashop 8 compatibility
- Update: translations: hungarian, romanian, french
- Fix: show phone number in mail
- Fix: security issue with SQL calls